This page from the news archive is from 2015: more than seven years old.
December 12th 11:00 am to 1:00 PM
221 W. Upsal St. Philadelphia PA 19119
Per the bylaws of Philadelphia Area Traditional Music and Dance (PATMaD), the President (Christine Merryman) has called for a community meeting. The primary purpose of this meeting is:
- To review the PATMaD bylaws and election process
- To disclose and discuss PATMaD policy relating to dealing with complaints from dancers.
There has recently been some public discussion around what the responsibilities of PATMaD are regarding dancer comfort, the safety of our dance community, and the authority of the board to take action. This public meeting is an opportunity for a general conversation about what is appropriate conduct at PATMaD events, and what obligations the organizers have to provide a safe and fun environment. This conversation will touch on, but is not limited to:
- The process for handling dancer complaints
- Basic respect for one another
- What constitutes actionable conduct.
- Should information about disciplinary actions be shared with other dance communities.
There will not be any specific review of disciplinary actions taken by the board, nor any specific details discussed. However this will not hamper a larger conversation about what makes a community safe and welcoming.
Please note: Notification of this meeting has already been posted on the Mt Airy Contra Facebook page and there might be some discussion there. However, since our PATMaD membership is significantly different than the membership of the facebook group, we would like to reserve the main discussion for the in-person meeting. If you have specific issues you would like to raise there, please bring them to the meeting.
This is an open (though not open-ended) meeting. We anticipate a lively discussion, and welcome participation from anyone who is a PATMaD member or who attends PATMaD events.
Did someone say SNACKS??
YES!! Please feel free to bring any tasty treats you'd like to share.
Please avoid bringing snacks with peanuts due to allergies
We will have lunch after the meeting.
Looking forward to seeing YOU at the meeting!!