Welcome back to real, live, in-person contra dancing!
WhooHoo! Our first indoor Thursday Contra dance in two years was on Thursday, March 17th, 2022. We are now dancing every week on Thursdays at the Commodore Barry Club (the Irish Center).
The Thursday Contra dance is fully mask-optional. Masks will continue to be welcome.
The board made this decision, taking effect in June 2024, after carefully reviewing the available data from the CDC and local counties on COVID-19 transmission and hospitalizations, as well as the community survey in May 2024. This policy is subject to change. The board will continue to monitor COVID data, and we may update this policy in the future to ensure a safe and healthy contra community.
COVID Safety:
- Up-to-date vaccination is strongly encouraged but not required.
- Masks are optional at Thursday Contra dances. Masks will continue to be welcome.
- Feeling sick on dance night? Stay home! Please show care for the community and we'll see you next time. Thank you for your honesty and concern for others in our community.
- If you test positive for COVID a few days after a dance, please send email to so we can alert others to a potential exposure. Thanks.
- COVID alerts will be email-only and will be sent to a dedicated opt-in email list (not our regular publicity list). Regular dancers and newcomers alike can update their email preferences (publicity, alerts, volunteer opportunities) at any time by stopping at the admission table.
Please carry in clean soft-soled shoes (not used outside) to avoid damage to the floor.
HELP IS NEEDED for our dances to run smoothly! Volunteers are needed for set-up, the admission table, and clean-up. Contact Jennie Walsh, who is coordinating volunteers, on Facebook or at if you are able to help.
Please note that Third Saturday and Allons Danser may have different COVID precautions.
Please write to if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to dancing with you!