
ContraCopia Performers for 2024

Work in progress; details subject to change



Ice Cream Truckers: Noah VanNorstrand on fiddle, Kelsey Wells on banjo, and special guest Helen Kuhar on guitar come together as the Ice Cream Truckers. With talent and a name like that, they are sure to please.


Meet Stove Dragon: Oliver Scanlon and Rose Jackson fill the room with melodic lift and dynamic double-fiddle harmony, while Sam Zakon-Anderson and special guest Helen Kuhar are a beating heart of fiery piano-guitar groove. Hold on tight, it'll be quite the ride!

  Millserati is a family band that originally formed back in 2013 to play Cecily's (the youngest Mills) sweet 16 birthday Contra dance. Over the past decade, they have played for a variety of dance events including the Princeton Country Dancers Saturday dances, the Head for the Hills dance weekend, and the CDSS camp Cascade of Music and Dance. They specialize in the unexpected: 80s pop covers, didgeridoo solos, surprise vocal harmonies, and more! It's always a rolicking good time with the power of all four Millses combined. This year, the band will perform as a 6-piece megaband! In addition to Janet, Robert, Imogen, and Cecily Mills, the band will be joined by Grant Yost and Rohan Weeden.


Gaye Fifer has been calling at dance weekends/weeks for many years. Her pleasant style and graceful teaching put dancers at ease and set the stage for a great dance experience. She now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. and travels whenever there is a safe opportunity to do so. Gaye is currently President of CDSS and has a passionate interest in supporting dance community leaders and organizers.


Alex Deis-Lauby: a NYC-based folk dancer, caller, teacher, and organizer, Alexandra is a contra dance caller who calls weekends and festivals all over the country. She tours, calling local dances for both contra and English Country Dance. She also calls community, teen, and family dances as well as weddings and parties.

  Ben Sachs-Hamilton started contra dancing at 12 and started teaching dances at 15. Since then he has called and organized for dances across the northeast, with a focus on LGBTQ and gender-role-free dance communities. He fosters a welcoming and inclusive space for diverse groups of new and experienced dancers, adding tips on style and safety into his teaching. Ben currently lives in Western Massachusetts.