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Role Terms Taskforce

Philadelphia area contra dances have traditionally used the role terms Gents and Ladies. Since 2015, the dance board has made it clear that everyone may dance any role with any partner. Some people in our community would like our dance to use gender free role terms, such as Larks and Ravens. Some people in our community have reservations with changing role terms.

The PATMAD Board established the Role Terms Taskforce to guide discussion and identify options for the future. The Taskforce members are Sheryl Neckritz, Mark Moore, Jim Rice, Jim Kitch, Jennie Walsh, Donna Hunt and Chris Deephouse (chair). The Taskforce represents a range of views on the topic and seeks to include everyone in the discussion.

Membership Vote

COVID-19 Cancellations and Role Terms Vote: Revised Procedures

The cancellation of the March 12th [2020] dance, which was scheduled to be the second week of voting on role terms, necessitates some changes to the voting procedures. Since all dances through the end of March have been cancelled and it is impossible to know when dances will resume, the revised voting procedures are as follows:

All ballots that have to date been issued, including absentee ballots, are null and void. Those ballots that have already been cast will be destroyed. Any member who has already cast a ballot will need to re-cast a ballot when the vote is conducted.

The board reaffirms that the vote on role terms will be restarted with a fresh set of ballots when we return to in-person dances. We are aware, however, that the original plan we composed for restarting the role terms vote was made at a time when we had no idea how long the dance would remain dark or what reopening the dance would look like, and that many aspects of this process will need to be re-evaluated.

We realize the particular difficulties that the present public health crisis creates for our community, and we appreciate our members’ patience and understanding as we strive to take care of each other in light of these challenges.

On March 5 and 12, 2020, the members of PATMAD will vote on proposals that set policy for the role terms used at the Thursday contradance. The vote will follow procedures used for board elections set in the PATMAD Bylaws. To be eligible to vote you must become a member or renew your membership between August 1 2019 and February 6 2020. Members will vote on the following two questions:

PATMAD membership vote March 5 and 12
How many regular Thursday dances each month
should have gender free role terms?
Pick one
None O
One O
Two O
Three O
All O
The median vote will be used to set the schedule.
Which gender free role terms should we use? First choice
Pick one
Second choice
Pick another
Larks and Ravens O O
Larks and Robins O O
Other _____________ O O

To understand why the Taskforce recommended these questions:

Community Round Tables

On October 10 and 24 [2019], the Role Terms Taskforce conducted round table discussions where community members learned about, discussed and contributed to the decision about the role terms to be used at our dance. Fifty people attended the sessions; some of them attended both sessions.

These materials were used during the round table discussions
Role Terms Round Table discussion sheet
Role Terms Round Table moderator guide
Living Room Conversation Agreements

If you wish to express your views and you were unable to attend either session, please and let us know when and how you would like to participate.

Why Change? Why Not?

The Mt. Airy dance community has identified several benefits of and concerns about changing to gender free role terms. Some significant themes are listed here. Which do you agree with?

Taskforce discussion
and dancer comments
Click on a thumbnail to
see the full size image.

Taskforce brainstorming July 25 Taskforce brainstorming #1 Taskforce brainstorming #2
Dancer comments March 7 Dancer comments 3-07-19
Dancer comments July 25 Dancer comments 7-25-19
Dancer comments September 5 Dancer comments typed up


March 7 2019 Maia McCormick calls with Larks and Ravens after the break
April 17 The PATMAD Board authorizes trial dances using Larks and Ravens and establishes the Role Terms Taskforce
May Phil Baumgarten, board president, appoints Sheryl Neckritz, Mark Moore, Jim Rice, Jim Kitch, Jennie Walsh, Donna Hunt and Chris Deephouse to the Taskforce
June 20 Scott Higgs coordinates the callers with Larks and Ravens after the break
July 25 Will Mentor calls a full evening with Larks and Ravens
September 5 Donna Hunt calls a full evening with Larks and Ravens
October 10
October 24
Community Round Table discussions at 6:30pm in the Commodore Barry room
October 31 Dave Rupp coordinates the callers with Larks and Ravens after the break
December 18 The Task Force submits recommendations to the PATMAD Board. The board approves these recommendations with a couple small revisions.
January 16 2020 Rick Mohr cordinates the dance with Larks and Ravens called full evening
February 6 Community meeting before the dance to discuss the upcoming vote.
Last day to become a PATMAD member and be eligible to vote in March
February 20 2020 Anne Lutun coordinates the dance with Larks and Robins called full evening
March 5 & 12 PATMAD members vote on the policy for role terms going forward
May 2020 The policy decided by the membership is in effect starting with the May through August booking period
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